July 13, 2012

An Afternoon that Started With A Nice Cup of Coffee and Ended With a Disastrous Haircut

Hari ini, setelah menyelesaikan urusan penggantian paspor di Kantor Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan (yang kronologisnya akan saya ceritakan di entri terpisah), saya mampir ke Lotte Mart Fatmawati.

Tujuan utama saya adalah mengunjungi sebuah coffee shop mungil nan imut yang sudah cukup lama saya lirik dalam beberapa kunjungan ke Lotte Mart namun tak pernah sempat juga saya jajal: Angel in Us Coffee.
The interior of this angel themed coffee shop is just as cute as its name <3  Love everything about it!! 

And I especially adore their ultra cute mug cups!!

They even have these pretty winged mugs:

I debated with myself whether or not to get one of the mugs as a souvenir  (they sell them for IDR 70K)... but finally decided that I've had enough impulsive buys for the month (T_T)

Maka hari ini saya pun memuaskan diri dengan mencicipi caramel vanilla macchiato (IDR 28K) dan bagel (IDR 7K) mereka:

Untuk duduk santai menikmati sore sambil menyesap secangkir kopi hangat yang lezat dan mengudap bagel, saya hanya harus mengeluarkan uang Rp 35 ribu saja; sesuatu yang sangat tidak mungkin saya dapatkan di gerai kopi besar macam Starbucks. Dan kalau boleh jujur, their coffee even tastes better than Starbucks'! 

Puas menikmati kopi di Angel in Us, saya melangkahkan kaki ke Salon Johnny Andrean di Lantai 3. Yup! Saya potong rambut lagi, padahal umur potongan rambut yang sekarang baru satu bulan lebih... T_T

On my abnormally fast growing hair, a "wise man" told me his very interesting theory:

"Maybe it's because of the insanely hot weather we've been having these past few months. You know how things expand in heat, maybe that's what happen to your hair! They expand faster because of the heat!!"

As absurd and silly as it may sound, I'm starting to think that it may have some truth to it... Habis, kalau tidak, teori apalagi yang bisa menjelaskan bagaimana rambut saya yang baru dipotong PENDEK sebulan yang lalu sekarang sudah begitu panjang sampai harus dipotong lagi?

Maka, belajar dari pengalaman dan untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan kalau rambut saya akan kembali "memuai" akibat cuaca panas, kali ini saya minta sang hair stylist untuk memotong rambut saya SANGAT PENDEK!!! Si Mbak stylist yang tadinya tampak ragu berusaha meyakinkan saya untuk tidak melakukan tindakan ekstrem terhadap rambut saya, tapi akhirnya ia menyerah juga setelah saya bersikukuh untuk memendekkan rambut sependek-pendeknya.
Dan... beginilah jadinya:

Hmm... yeah, maybe I should've listened to the stylist... (>.<;) Tapi ya sudahlah nasi sudah menjadi bubur. Toh dalam beberapa bulan rambut saya akan panjang kembali...  if that "wise man" theory's right, my hair should grow back in no time (*menghibur diri*)

And in the mean time, I gotta learn to work this hair out!!

July 8, 2012

Ramblings On A Lazy Sunday

1. Cleaning Out

So today, I finally dragged  myself to clean out my ever messy drawer. And look what I found during the process:

A 5 years old movie ticket! (shikamo KOIZORA -_-;) 

Wow!! I really do have the worst habit of holding on to things. I just can't seem to throw anything away, even useless stuff like movie tickets and restaurant receipts... And the same goes to old clothes in my closet that I never even wear anymore.   I always have this weird tendency of thinking that I might need them one day, so I just stuff them in my drawer (and some other places) until they pile up and create a whole pile of rubbish... that would eventually end up in the trash can anyway.

Time for some serious cleaning out!

2. Indonesian Idol Grand Final Result

No! I still can't believe Sean didn't win!!! I mean just look (and listen) at how amazing she is!! Sure, I know the other girl (Regina) also got a great voice... but when it comes to "uniqueness" in terms of voice and performance I think Sean is way above Regina...

Oh well, she's still so young (17 ?), I'm sure there'll be plenty of chances waiting for her in the future. And, it's not like I voted, so I don't really get to complain about the result, do I?

And speaking of "voting", that reminds me of:

3. Jakarta Gubernatorial Election 2012

Just got my election card today!

This is the first time I'm actually excited to participate in any kind of governmental election. Seriously, this city needs a new leader. One that doesn't claim our annual (if not daily) "flood problem" as a mere "puddle", and one who can actually solve the acute traffic jam problem instead of making it worse (and one who knows what "giving the middle finger" means)

Yes, I know for sure who I'm not going to vote this time.